What I Spent: Used Practice Wear

What I Spent: Used Practice Wear

Congrats to all of the teams who competed at Worlds over the weekend! One of the teams from our gym made it into finals which was super exciting. I love that Laurel gets to watch these incredible athletes to see what is possible for her in a few years.

Almost immediately after buying the brand new practice set for next season, Laurel informed me that she had outgrown one of her old sets 🙃. Most teams in our gym practice 3 days a week (2 weekdays plus Sunday) and there is a different practice set for each of those days.

Thankfully, the weekday practice sets can carry over from prior seasons—which makes it really easy to buy things secondhand. You always have the option to buy the new season’s weekday stuff but honestly, this is a really low priority in my budget.

Our gym has an active buy/sell group and I’ve had really good luck there over the years buying practice wear, uniforms, and spirit wear for myself. Shortly after I realized Laurel needed a new set, I saw another parent posting the exact size she needed! That parent was also selling a skirt for the other weeknight so I grabbed that as well just to have an extra (Laurel is… shall we say… laundry challenged). That same day, I sold Laurel’s old top to another parent which helped offset my purchase  

What I spent:

Blue set (bra + shorts): $10

Black skirt: $5

Sale of old blue bra: +$5

Grand total: $10


Does your gym have a buy/sell group? Brag about your biggest secondhand score in the comments below!

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